Sea-shore— Sea-coast.

REFLECTIONS.—The Philistines had been the inveterate enemies of Israel: they had received many a severe check in the days of David; but seem to have become a very powerful people, and were in peace, and strongly fortified, when this prophesy was delivered, which was before Pharaoh smote Gaza, an event supposed to have happened during his expedition to Carchemish.

1. The northern army of the Chaldeans is represented as a swelling flood, which bears down all opposition. In terrors at their approach, the Philistines will howl, unable to resist the torrent; affrighted at the stamping of the horses and the rattling of the chariots, and flying as if death was at their heels, their fears should overcome the strongest natural affection, so that they should not look back to their children, and through feebleness of hands be unable to defend or carry them away. It is the day of divine appointment for the destruction of the Philistines; and Tyre and Zidon must share the like fate, together with the remnant of the country of Caphtor, their near kin and neighbours. Their cities are spoiled, their country plundered, their inhabitants destroyed, and Gaza and Ashkelon are described with signs of deepest woe, shaving off their hair, and cutting themselves, bemoaning these desolations. Note; The strongest holds are no proof against the artillery of divine threatenings.

2. The prophet, tenderly affected with the scene, cries out, O thou sword of the Lord! (for though in the hand of the Chaldeans, yet God put it there), how long will it be ere thou be quiet? and the dire contention cease; put up thyself into thy scabbard, rest and be still. A good man prays thus for his bitterest enemies; and charity teaches us to pray that wars may cease in all the world, and a stop be put to the effusion of human gore so lavishly shed. But when God has a controversy, and his sword is drawn against a nation, how can it be quiet, till it has executed vengeance on God's enemies, and accomplished his purposes towards a guilty people? seeing the Lord hath given it a charge against Ashkelon, and against the sea-shore, the places above-mentioned, there hath he appointed it? Note; Every thing here below is under the immediate government of God; even the ambition of princes, and the horrid ravages of war, are instruments in his hands to execute the decrees of his providence on those nations whose provocations call for judgment.

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