Eliphaz the Temanite, &c.— Eliphaz was the son of Esau, and Teman of Eliphaz; Genesis 36:10. This Eliphaz, no doubt, was of this family. Teman certainly was a city of Edom, Jeremiah 7:20. Ezekiel 25:13. Amos 1:11. Bildad the Shuhite; Shuah was the son of Abraham by Keturah, whose posterity is reckoned among the easterns. Perhaps he is to be placed with his brother Midian, and his brother's sons Sheba and Dedan; see Genesis 25:2. Dedan is a city of Edom, Jeremiah 49:7 and seems to have been situated in its southern boundary, as Teman was in its western; Ezekiel 25:13. Zophar, the Naamathite: among the cities which fell by lot to the tribe of Judah, bordering upon the Edomites to the south, Naamah is mentioned; Judges 21:41 nor does any other occur of this name. Zophar most likely, came from thence. Concerning Elihu, see the note on chap. Job 32:2. From all these particulars it appears, as clearly as can be expected in a matter of this kind, that Job dwelt in Edom, and that all his friends dwelt in Arabia Petraea, or in the countries immediately adjacent. It may be proper just to observe, that the Edomites, particularly the Temanites, were remarkably celebrated for their wisdom; see Jeremiah 49:7 and Bar 3:22-23. Bishop Lowth: who observes, that, as all the speakers in this poem were Edomites or neighbouring Arabs, sprung most probably from the family of Abraham, the language of it is pure Hebrew, though the author, as it seems, was an Edomite; for it is most probable that all the posterity of Abraham, Israelites, Edomites, and Arabs, as well Keturites as Ishmaelites, made use of the common language of their father for a very long time.

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