The eye also of the adulterer— The 16th verse appears to refer to the thief or house-breaker, mentioned Job 24:14, in which case this verse must stand in a parenthesis. See Heath and Schultens. I would just observe, that the Syriac and Arabic render the 16th verse, In the dark he seeketh out houses: a translation which, if admitted, will very well connect the 15th and the 16th verses. The author of the Observations seems to be of this opinion, p. 97, where, speaking of the manner of building in the east, which was principally of bricks made of mud, he observes, that the architecture of the country of Job seems to have been of the same kind; for he speaks of the adulterer's digging through houses; and these walls of sun-burnt brick, when moistened with copious showers, must have been liable to accidents of this kind, at the same time that the thickness of them must have made the term digging peculiarly expressive.

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