Jesus, knowing, &c.— This circumstance is premised, to set the humility of Christ in the most conspicuous light: and what could have contributed more to this purpose, than to consider that Jesus, though of such transcendent dignity as to be invested with the government of all things, as having existed in heavenfrom all eternity, and as sure of being in heaven to all eternity, to reign there in his glorified humanity; yet descends to the mean office of a slave, and washes the feet of his own disciples; an action, which might justly excite our wonder, if we had not proofs of his much greater humiliation in making himself of no reputation, for the great work of human redemption. We cannot wonder at his girding himself with the towel, when we reflect that he took upon him the form of a servant. We cannot wonder at his pouring water into the bason to wash his disciples' feet, when we recollect that he shed his own most precious blood, to wash away the sins of mankind.

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