I am the way, and the truth, and the life:— Our Lord, most probably, had here in view the metaphors which he formerly used, I am the door of the sheep, Ch. John 10:7. I am the bread of life, Ch. John 6:35. And therefore, it might well have been expected, that, having so lately delivered the same sentiments, the disciples would have understood him now. Some have supposed the form of expression before us to be a Hebraism, whose meaning is, I am the true and living way; as Daniel 3:7 all the people, the nations, and the languages, signifies, people of all nations and languages. But in whatever manner we resolve the sentence, its meaning is the same; namely, "faith in me, and obedience to my commandments, will lead you to my Father's house, where I am going. They are the only true road to the mansions of felicity." See Ch. John 1:4; John 1:14; John 1:17 John 5:33.

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