A woman when she is in travail— "The state of mind you will be in, when the events happen of which I am speaking, cannot be described better than by comparing it to the condition of a woman in travail. During her labour she has exquisite pain, because the birth approaches; but as soon as the is delivered, she forgets her anguish, being filled with joy that she has brought one of the human species and a child of her own into the world. Just so, you my disciples will be in the greater distress during the time of my departure; but as I am to rise again from the dead, and to ascend into heaven, you will forget yoursorrow, and rejoice exceedingly; and from that time forth it shall not be in the power of your enemies to rob you of your joy." As this promise will be for ever accomplished to all Christ's faithful servants, so it is pleasing to observe how St. Paul, in his more abundant afflictions, attests his experience of its truth, when he says, As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing, 2 Corinthians 6:10.

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