Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible
John 16:33
These things I have spoken— "I have told you these things, that you may have consolation in the prospect of the benefits that you are to receive, a lasting peace, and serenity of soul, by the exercise of your faith in me; and thus, free from all anxiety and perturbation, may not be terrified when the afflictions draw nigh which are to overtake you. The truth is, you will have great tribulation in this present life, because the malice of men will every where pursue you; nevertheless, be not discouraged; rather take heart by reflecting how, through constancy and patience, I have overcome the malice of the world, and that I am able to make you overcome it in like manner also."
Inferences.—How great is the ignorance and folly of those, who persecute their brethren in the name of the Lord, and kill his children under the pretence of offering him an acceptable sacrifice! Thus were the apostles treated by those Jews, who knew not the God for whom they professed all this flaming zeal. Let us bless God that we are providentially sheltered from those effects of it, which might otherwise bear so hard upon us; while we diligently watch over our hearts, that no irregular affections, no uncharitable sentiments, may work or harbour there.
Whenever, like the apostles, our hearts are filled with sorrow, may we be very cautious not to be so stupified and absorbed by it, as that any call of duty should pass unheard, or any opportunity of religious advancement escape us unimproved; nor let as be indolent in our inquiries into the meaning of those dispensations which we do not understand; but rather seriously consider, whether we are not sorrowful for that which is indeed designed for our advantages and in the issue will be matter of rejoicing to our souls.
We have seen to what purpose the Comforter was sent. His coming was designed in the first instance for the benefit of the apostles, and was of greater service to them, as Christ had assured them he should be, than the continuance of his own presence with them in the body would have been; not only to support and comfort them under all their trials, but to acquaint them with all necessary truth, and fully to instruct them in the mysteries of godliness. He came moreover for the conviction of an apostate world: the important errand on which he was sent was, to awaken men's minds, to convince them of their own guilt, of Christ's righteousness, and of that awful judgment which should be executed on the most inveterate of his enemies.
May these considerations often lead us to think of the force of the Spirit's testimony to the truth of Christianity, and to endeavour to understand it in all its extent; blessing the Almighty Father of mercies, that the gospel and the character of his Son were thus gloriously vindicated. May we rejoice in the views of that complete conquest to which Satan is already adjudged; and, in the mean time, let us earnestly pray, that the influences of the Holy Spirit may be communicated to us in such a manner, that Christ may be glorified in us, and we in him; and that the things of Christ may be taken, and shewn to us by that Spirit; for it can only be done by means of his influence and operations.
We are perhaps often regretting the absence of Christ's bodily presence, and looking back with a kind of envy on the happier lot of those who conversed with him upon earth in the days of his flesh: but if we prove true persevering believers in an unseen Jesus, it is but a little while, and we shall also see him; for he is gone to the Father, and will so successfully negotiate the affairs of his faithful saints in the realms of bliss, that whatever their present difficulties and sorrows may be, they shall end happily, and bring peace and joy at the last. And, in the mean time, surely we have no reason to envy the world its joys and triumphs. Alas! its season of weeping will quickly come! but the lamentations of the faithful are soon to be turned into songs of praise, and their hearts filled with that solid, sacred, and peculiar joy which shall never be taken away.
While we are in this state of distance, it is certainly matter of rejoicing that we have access to the throne of grace through the prevailing name of Christ. Let us advance thither with holy courage and confidence, and so ask as that we may receive, and that our joy may be full.—With what pleasure may we daily renew our visits to that throne, before which Jesus, the friend of sinners, stands as an intercessor; to that throne which is possessed by the Father, who himself loveth us, and answers with readiness and delight those petitions which are thus recommended! May our faith in Christ, and our love to him, still more and more increase; and thus shall our supplications be more and more acceptable to him, whose loving-kindness is better than life itself.
Whoever seriously reviews these gracious discourses, must consider them as an invaluable legacy bequeathed to us by Christ, the dying Saviour. O may they dwell with us in all our retirements, and be applied to our comfort in every distress!
Can we have any reason to wonder, if human friendship be sometimes false, and always precarious! Alas!—the disciples of Christ were scattered in the day of his utter extremity, and left him alone, even when they were under the highest obligations to have adhered to him with the most inviolable fidelity. It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put any confidence in man. May we but be able, like our Master, to say in every trial, that our Father is with us; and then that delightful converse with God, which we may enjoy in our most solitary moments, will be a thousand times more than an equivalent for whatsoever we lose in the creatures. In the world we must indeed have tribulation; and he that has appointed it for us knows that it is fit we should: but since Jesus, the Captain of our salvation, who was made perfect through sufferings, has overcome the world, and disarmed it, let us hence be taught to seek that peace which he hath established, and press on with a cheerful assurance, that all his faithful followers shall share in the honours and benefits of his victory.
REFLECTIONS.—1st, To be forewarned, is to be fore-armed. Christ lets his disciples know what they had to expect.
1. He tells them what they must look for, and warns them to prepare for it. These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended, that you may not be discouraged by sufferings, faint under the cross, and desert the path of duty. They shall put you out of the synagogues, excommunicate you from their society and from their assemblies for divine worship: yea, the time cometh, when, so infatuated and bloody will their persecution be, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth God service. Note; (1.) The best friends of the church of Christ have often been branded by those who pretend to be church-rulers, as her worst enemies. (2.) Blind bigotry raises the bitterest persecution; the blood of martyrs has never flowed more liberally than by the hands of those who murdered them as excommunicated heretics in the name of the Lord.
2. He suggests the real cause of this treatment. These things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me; though they may pretend the highest attainments of wisdom and piety, and persecute you as a set of poor, illiterate, deluded enthusiasts; yet they are sunk in wilful spiritual ignorance, which, though no excuse for their wickedness, is an argument for you to bear patiently with them, and to pity and pray for them.
3. He lets them know that he gave them these warnings for the confirmation of their faith in him, and to encourage them to bear up when the day of temptation came upon them. These things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them, and have a fresh proof of my omniscience and faithfulness to you. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you, to bear the chief burden myself, and to comfort and support you. Note; Christ graciously proportions our trials to our strength.
4. He assures them, though he was going, and they were dejected, his departure would be abundantly for their good. But now I go my way to him that sent me, and none of you asketh me, Whither goest thou? Though they had asked him with a temporal view, they had no apprehension that he was going to heaven, to prepare an abode for them in glory, and therefore did not pursue their inquiries. But because I have said these things unto you, of my departure, and your approaching troubles, sorrow hath filled your heart, when you ought rather to rejoice. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth, greatly as you dread my going from you, it is expedient for you that I go away, and a kind father will give his children not what they foolishly wish, but what he knows will be best for them; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; such being a part of the great plan of redemption; but if I depart according to the will of my heavenly Father, finishing my work, and entering into my glory, I will send him unto you, as the fruit of my death, and the effect of my intercession: and this will more than supply the loss of my bodily presence. Note; Many of us are often melancholy, when they ought to rejoice; much readier to pore over their inbred corruption, and terrify themselves with the fear of their enemies, than to exult in the promises, to press after full sanctification, and to look up with confidence to Christ Jesus; and this is as dishonourable to him, as uncomfortable to ourselves.
5. He describes the blessed work of the Spirit, whom he promises to send: When he is come, he will convince the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.
[1.] Of sin, awakening the consciences of sinners, both Jews and Gentiles, to a discovery of their native corruption, actual transgressions, exceeding sinfulness, and liableness to the wrath of an offended God; especially the great sin of unbelief, this being the great damning iniquity, and the grand cause of sinners' destruction, because they believe not on me for pardon, grace, life, and salvation; and, under this view of themselves, he lays them in the dust of deepest abasement.
[2.] Of righteousness; of the righteous obedience of Christ unto the death of the cross,—the sole meritorious cause of every blessing that we can receive either in time or in eternity,—the sole meritorious cause of the acceptance of the persons and works of believers before God: to which the Spirit directs the self-despairing soul to look, as the grand foundation of hope towards God; because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; his exaltation to the right-hand of God being the fullest token of his Father's approbation of him, and that he is well pleased for his righteousness' sake; and, therefore, he was no more to appear in his present state of humiliation, because he had, to his Father's entire satisfaction, finished the work that he had given him to do upon earth.
[3.] Of judgment; that all power is given to Christ, in heaven and in earth, to sanctify and renew the hearts of his faithful people, and execute judgment upon all their enemies and his, the finally impenitent and obstinate sinners; because the prince of this world, the devil, is judged; his power is broken, his kingdom destroyed; and, while the triumphs of the Redeemer's grace are now continually spreading through the earth in multitudes rescued from the hands of this enemy, he and all his adherents shall shortly be brought to receive their final sentence at the bar of this eternal Judge; and wicked devils and wicked men together be cast into the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
6. The Spirit will wonderfully enlarge their understandings, and give them a clear insight into many glorious truths, which, as yet, they did not fully apprehend. I have yet many things to say unto you, respecting the abolition of the Mosaical oeconomy, the calling of the Gentiles, the rejection of the Jews, &c. but ye cannot bear them now, through the deep-rooted prejudices which still held possession of their hearts; bigotted to the ritual in institutions, and expecting a temporal kingdom. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, then they shall be enabled to receive all discoveries which they now could not bear; for he will guide you into all truth; opening their understandings to comprehend the Scripture, as an unerring Guide leading them into the most explicit views of the gospel-truths, and enabling them to speak and act under his direction with infallible wisdom: for he shall not speak of himself, as a private person, or serving any interest merely his own; but, in exact correspondence with Christ and the Father, whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak, according to the sacred will of them both, with which he is fully acquainted, searching the deep things of God; and he will shew you things to come; as a Spirit of prophesy, enabling them to look into futurity, and make known to the church the things which, in succeeding ages, should come to pass, even to the end of time.
7. In all this work of the divine Spirit, his intention eminently is to glorify the Redeemer. He shall glorify me; all the gifts and graces that he bestowed, and the miracles he enabled the apostles to perform, were designed to exalt Jesus as the great Redeemer of men, and to bear witness of his divine mission; for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. Christ hath obtained all blessings for the faithful; the office of the Spirit is to apply them to their hearts, and put them in possession of that pardon, adoption, comfort, grace, and glory, which he hath purchased by his obedience unto death. All things that the Father hath, are mine; not only as we are one in nature, perfections, and unity of interests; but as all the blessings that he designed for his faithful people are lodged in my hands as Mediator; therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you. Spirit of truth and grace, apply these inestimable blessings to my soul!
2nd, To comfort his sorrowful disciples, the gracious Saviour suggests farther grounds of encouragement to them.
1. He promises to visit them again shortly. A little while and ye shall not see me, he should be hid in the grave; and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, after my resurrection, because I go to the Father; to enter upon his glory, to appear in the presence of God, as Intercessor, to take possession of the purchased inheritance for the faithful, and at last to bring them to be with him where he is.
2. Some of the disciples, blinded with their national prejudices, and stupid with sorrow, were at a loss to comprehend his meaning; and, repeating his words, inquired of one and another what they understood by them; and all confessed they knew not what he meant by a little while.
3. Christ, who knew the secrets of their hearts, and what was the subject of their whispers, prevented their inquiries by explaining the meaning of the little while he spake of. Verily, verily, I say unto you, that ye shall weep and lament at his sufferings and death, with all the circumstances of ignominy wherewith it would be attended; but the world shall rejoice, the wicked world: the scribes and rulers would triumph, as if they had obtained a complete victory over him; and ye shall be sorrowful; sunk in deep dejection, their hopes swallowed up in despair; but your sorrow shall be turned into joy; when, seeing him arisen from the dead, they would triumph, fully assured of his being the Messiah: and with joy still more unspeakable and full of glory would they be filled, when, after beholding his ascension into heaven, the Holy Ghost should from on high be shed abroad in their hearts. Then all their pangs, like those of a woman in travail, when her son is born, would be swallowed up and forgotten in the comfort which should succeed; Ye now therefore have sorrow, because I am leaving you; but I will see you again, certainly and shortly, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you; it will never again be interrupted by any more distress and fears. Note; (1.) Though the faithful saints of God may sometimes be in heaviness through manifold temptations, it is their comfort that they know their sorrow will be momentary; but their joys, which shall succeed, eternal. (2.) The triumphing of the wicked is but for a moment, and must end in eternal disappointment and misery. (3.) Though children are certain cares, uncertain comforts, we naturally rejoice at their birth; but when we see what a world of sin they are come into, and what snares are before them, we need tremble for them, and pray, lest it should be better for them they had never been born. (4.) In heaven all the sorrows of the righteous will be forgotten, and every tear wiped away from their eyes. Then shall they never lament the absence of Jesus, but, without interruption, behold the beatific vision.
3rdly, An answer to all their inquiries and prayers is promised them in that day, when, under the Spirit's mighty influences, they should in all things be taught and directed.
1. In that day ye shall ask me nothing, shall not need to make any farther inquiries about these things, concerning which you are now at a loss, and which I have spoken unto you in proverbs, under similitudes, in parables, and short sentences; and, though sufficiently plain, you, through your present prejudices and sorrow, have not understood: The time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father; make such clear discoveries to your minds, by my Spirit, of the whole system of gospel-truths; of the divine perfections and personality of the Father; of his gracious designs towards his faithful people; and the nature and end of all my sufferings; and of the glory thence accruing to God; as will be perfectly satisfactory. Note; All the great and glorious truths of God's word are dark and unintelligible, till he is pleased, by his Spirit, to shine into our hearts, to give us the light of the knowledge of his glory, and make us acquainted with the great mysteries of godliness.
2. All their prayers shall be answered. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, as your exalted Saviour and great High-Priest, entered for you into heaven itself, and ever living to make intercession for you, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name, nothing so great as they were now invited to do; or rather had not, in their addresses to the Father, made use of his mediation, or pleaded his infinite merit as the ground of their hope: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full; all that you can wish or desire shall be granted, till the abundant joys of present grace and divine consolations shall reach their utmost consummation in eternal glory. At that day, when the Spirit shall be poured out upon you, ye shall ask in my name, with entire dependence on my atonement and prevalent intercession; and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you; not that he would ever cease to intercede for them, but that the Father would be ready of himself to grant all their petitions: for the Father himself loveth you, is your friend and Father, and reconciled God, because ye have loved me; this blessed effect produced on their hearts might assure them of the Father's love; and have believed that I came out from God, as the true Messiah, executing the divine commission received from him. Note; (1.) What an encouragement have we to pray, when the promise is so full? All the blessings which, in humble dependence on our Jesus, we can ask, believing, we are sure to receive. (2.) Nothing so directly tends to increase our spiritual comforts, as the abiding prayer of faith. (3.) True faith always works by fervent love; they who know Jesus as their Saviour, cannot but feel their hearts drawn out towards him with enlarged affection; and shortly they shall be made perfect in love.
3. He sums up plainly for their comfort all that he had been saying to them. I came forth from the Father, where, from everlasting, I am; and voluntarily submitted to my present state of humiliation: again, having finished the work which was given me to do, I leave the world, and go to the Father, to that eternal glory which I had with him before the worlds were. This therefore should be matter of their joy, not sorrow.
4. The disciples, now enlightened to understand his discourse, with delight express their satisfaction in what he had said, and their entire faith in him as the Messiah. Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb: the meaning is no longer dark and doubtful. Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee; we perceive thou art acquainted with our inmost thoughts, and canst answer us, even before we propose our questions: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God. Note; Many truths, though plain, affect us not, till Christ speaks to the soul; and then we wonder how we could have overlooked before, what we now see so clearly.
5. Jesus, who saw that their faith was less established than they apprehended, warns them how soon it would be shaken, Do ye now believe? Behold, as a farther proof of my omniscience, the hour cometh, yea, is now come, the moment is at hand, that I shall be betrayed into the hands of sinners, and ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, flying for safety to any place or friend's house that will conceal you, and shall leave me alone, in the power of my enemies; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me; not only as one in nature, and in the inseparable union of the Godhead; but his gracious presence would be with him, as Mediator, supporting him under all his sufferings. Note; (1.) In trying times many are apt to desert the profession they have made, unwilling to suffer for Christ and his cause. (2.) They who have reason to be persuaded that they do believe, must not be self-confident: he that thinketh he standeth, must take heed lest he fall. (3.) God does not forsake his afflicted believing people; when all the world, yea, their nearest and dearest friends desert them, a sense of his love, the light of his countenance, and his supporting presence, will make them an abundant recompence for the loss of all besides.
6. For their comfort, he assures them, that the issue of all their trials and his would be peace. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace; whatever might happen to them, what he had spoken would afford them a sufficient ground for their support and comfort. In him, by faith in his person, and all-sufficient sacrifice and intercession, they would find such a peace as the world never knew; beholding their sins pardoned, and God reconciled to them; enjoying delightful communion with him; and, amidst all their trials, their souls kept serene and calm in the confidence of his power and grace to carry them through, and in the prospect of the glory which should be revealed in them. In the world ye shall have tribulation, you must expect and prepare for it; but be of good cheer, be confident of my power and grace, and courageously stand in the evil day; I have overcome the world; I have vanquished the god of this world with all his wicked instruments; and you may be comfortably assured, through my grace and love, that you shall be made more than conquerors. Note; (1.) Every real Christian must expect his cross, and prepare for tribulation; it is inseparable from his profession. (2.) No outward or inward troubles should deject or dishearten us; our Redeemer is mighty, yea, almighty to save. (3.) Peace in our consciences is our privilege and portion, if we do indeed belong to Christ; and usually as our tribulations for Christ abound, our consolations which are by him abound also. (4.) The world, and the things of it, are great enemies to our souls, and the means which the devil employs to ensnare and destroy us; but Christ hath overcome for us, and if we perseveringly cleave to him in faith, he will, by his grace, overcome in us, till all our foes shall be made our footstool.