Then Pilate entered, &c.— The expression used by the Jews in their accusation of our Lord, Luke 23:2. Saying, that he himself is Christ a King, may no doubt refer to the acknowledgment which Jesus made before the council of his being the Messiah. Nevertheless, to account for Pilate's asking our Lord whether he assumed the title of the king of the Jews, we must suppose, that the priests explained their accusation by telling him, that Jesus had travelled incessantly through the country, and every where gave himself out for the Messiah; and that even during his trial before them, he had been so presumptuous as to assume that dignity in open court. Without some information of this kind, the governor would hardly have put the question to Jesus, no prisoner being obliged to accuse himself. See on John 18:37. We are not to expect the sacred historian to enter into every minute particular of the trial.

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