And manifested forth his glory:— That is, demonstrated his power and character to the conviction of the disciples, and in some sense and degree to that of all the guests. This being the first miracle that they had ever seen Jesus perform, it tended not a little to the confirmation of their faith, and made his fame spread over all the neighbouring country. Moses confirmed his mission by producing water from a rock; but our Lord, by changing water into wine: and by that change he manifested himself to be the Lord of the creation. It was as easy for that Omnipotence which is the author of all things, to do this in the present method, as it is for him to do it every year from the moisture descending from heaven, which is imbibed by the roots of the vine, and after frequent filtrations is ripened in the grape. It is true the frequency with which this change occurs, renders it familiar and unnoticed; but when water is changed into wine in the vessels, the novelty makes a stronger impression on the mind; and the effect, though not a greater exertion of Almighty power than that which is produced by the common course of nature, strikes us much more than that which is become familiar.

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