After these things— Some time after the conference with Nicodemus, Jesus and his disciples, leaving Jerusalem, went into the land of Judea, or those parts of Judea which were remote from Jerusalem. As he took this journey that he might have an opportunity of baptizing his disciples, that is, the persons who believed him to be the Messiah, it is probable he went to Bethabara beyond Jordan, John having removed thence to Enon, a place in Samaria, about eight miles south of Scythopolis, remarkable for its waters, and where he had great conveniency for baptizing. Jesus himself never baptized any person with water, as appears from ch. John 4:2 but his disciples administered that kind of baptism in his name, and by his order. It seems probable from the 24th verse, as well as from tradition, and from many other passages in this gospel itself, that St. John wrote it as a supplement to the rest; for he speaks of the Baptist's imprisonment as a thing generally known, and yet says nothing of his martyrdom, though he had given so large an account of his ministry. We cannot suppose that he would have omitted so material a fact, had he not known that the other evangelists had before recorded it at large.

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