Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, &c.— "Nor have you any reason to dispute the testimony which the Father hath thus given me, though you have never heard his voice, nor seen his form; as being one whom no man hath seen or can see. For he has testified the same concerning me in his word, where he has spoken of me in the clearest manner. But, notwithstanding the submission that you profess to his authority, you will not be persuaded to receive the testimony he has given; and after all that he has said, it is still evident that you have not his word cordially abiding in you; nor do you shew a due regard even to those former revelations which you acknowledge as divine; for, notwithstanding all the reasons which are there given to induce you to it, you do not believe him, whom he hath sent, with, a much fuller and clearer discovery of himself than any of his former messengers have brought."

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