Even the same that I said unto you, &c.— On supposition that this is the proper translation of the passage, our Lord's meaning was, "I am that which I said to you at the beginning of this discourse, namely, the Light of the world." But Raphelius, who is followed by Doddridge and many others, proposes to point the sentence in such a manner, as to give the following translation: Truly because I am speaking to you, I have many things to say and judge concerning you. It is well known, that the term την αρχην in the Greek frequently signifies indeed, or truly. According to this translation, the meaning is, "Because I have long exercised my ministry among you, and you have not profited by it as you ought, I have many reproofs to give you, and a severe sentence of condemnation to pass upon you. Nevertheless, I shall wave them all at present, and tell you only one thing, that you may think upon it seriously, namely, that he who sent me is Truth and goodness itself; and that I speak to the world nothing but what I have received from him, however dark or disagreeable these things may be to persons of your dispositions."

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