Jesus heard that they had cast him out;— Many harmonists suppose, that our Lord conferred the faculty of sight on the blind man at the feast of Tabernacles, when he left Jerusalem; and that, returning thither at the feast of Dedication, he was then told that the council had excommunicated the man; at which time he resolved to make him full amends for the injury that he had suffered. Accordingly, having found him, he discovered himself to him as the Messiah, and invited him to believe on him. We have heretofore observed the caution used by our Lord in discovering himself to be the Messiah: here he makes use of a very unusual degree of freedom, John 9:37 which may well be accounted for, by considering the extraordinary circumstances of the case, this being the first instance in which any one had incurred the great inconvenience attending a sentence of excommunication out ofzeal for the honour of Christ. No doubt this passed privately between our Lord and the blind man, though presently afterwards others joined the conversation. See John 9:39.

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