Jesus said, &c.— This passage of the gospel well deserves serious attention, as it is of great force to prove theDivinity of our Saviour, who here declares himself in express terms τον υιον του Θεου, the true, eternal, only-begotten Son of God, so of necessity equal with God, even upon the concession of the Pharisees; as he abundantly proved himself by this mighty work, openingthe eyes of a man born blind, by his own, and not any delegated power, a work the like to which was never even supposed to have been wrought by any man since the world began. See on John 9:32. Jesus here, too, requires of the blind man to believe in him, the Son of God; but he who believes and puts his confidence in any creature, however great, however exalted, is accursed by the declaration of God himself. See Jeremiah 27:15. Jesus therefore was God: moreover, he admitted the worship and adoration of this man, which is due, and must be paid only to the one true God; Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. The God-man corporeally present to the eyes of this person, not only required his faith, but admitted his worship; he must therefore either have been a notorious impostor, or the very and true God; God and man in one person.

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