Ver. 43. And Joshua returned—to Gilgal Either for refreshment, or to divide the fruits of their victories with those who had not fought; or, more particularly, to pay to God their thanksgivings in his sanctuary. Thus gloriously ended (according to Usher's calculation) the fortieth year since the departure from Egypt. Moses had begun it with the conquest of the kingdoms of Sihon and Og; Joshua ended it with that of a great part of the land of Canaan. In the middle of this war the manna ceased, and the Israelites ate of the corn of the country; so that, as the learned chronologist proceeds to remark, they began to sow in autumn, and consequently, from that time also, they began to reckon their sabbatical years. It was necessary to divide the country before they cultivated it; so that the first sabbatical year must have fallen out upon the seventh year after the division among the tribes.

Note; (1.) The judgments of God, in so severe an extirpation of this accursed race, should lead us to consider the end of impenitent sinners. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations who forget God. (2.) When we have completed our victories over the powers of sin and Satan, we shall return, under the conduct of our divine Joshua, to our eternal rest in the camp of God.

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