Ver. 13. But as for the cities that stood still in their strength, &c.— The Hebrew is תלם על al tillam, which may signify a foot, or standing; and then the sense would be, that Joshua preserved all those cities which had yielded, without having obliged him to besiege them, to make breaches in their walls, or to demolish their fortifications. This sense is preserved by the LXX, Onkelos, ours, and the French version, and by several interpreters; but nothing hinders us from translating, with the Vulgate, and Joshua burned none of the cities, which were situated on high places; or, as our margin renders it, on their heap. Bochart, who prefers this exposition, thinks that Thelassar, Exodus 19:12 and Thelabib, Ezekiel 3:15 two cities well known, took their name from the word תל tel, thus understood. See his Canaan, lib. 1: cap. 29. We should also conceive, that instead of translating Jeremiah 30:18 thus, Jerusalem shall be built on her own heap, the Hebrew might be very well rendered, shall be rebuilt upon her height, or high hill. It was certainly easier for Joshua to keep cities which were situate on high places, and well-defended spots, than the cities of the plain.

Note; (1.) God is just in all his judgments. (2.) It becomes us to give no more quarter to the least of our sins than did the Israelites to the infant Canaanite.

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