Ver. 6, 7. And the border went up to Beth-hoglah This border, issuing from the north point of the Dead sea, towards the west, was formed by a line which passed by Beth-hoglah, a city in the tribe of Benjamin, above Beth-Arabah, whether we understand by it another city of this name in the same tribe, ch. Judges 18:21 or that mentioned ver. 61 or, with some geographers, make of these two places only one and the same city, placed on the border of the two tribes. This line went up to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben, a place famous, no doubt, for some monument which had been erected in memory of a great exploit performed there by Bohan, or because he was there buried. It then went on toward Debir, (ver. 7.) a city unknown, but evidently different from that which stood in the neighbourhood of Hebron, ver. 15.—From the valley of Achor, mentioned before in ch. Joshua 7:24; Joshua 7:26 and so northward, looking toward Gilgal; that is, by the valley of Achor, which had on the north Gilgal, or rather Geliloth, in the tribe of Benjamin, according to Masius, Le Clerc, &c. Calmet is of opinion, that both here and in ch. 18: Gilgal and Geliloth signify, in general, limits. Gilgal is said to be before the going up to Adummim, in the same tribe of Judah, or perhaps of Benjamin, on the south side of the river, i.e. probably, Kedron. After this it passed on towards the north, constantly inclining from east to west, by the waters of En-shemesh, whence it proceeded to the spring or fountain of En-rogel, near Jerusalem.

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