Ver. 8. Return with much riches, &c. and—divide the spoil—with your brethren Nothing could be more just than this command; for, notwithstanding those who remained beyond Jordan had not shared in the dangers of the war, like those who had gone through it; yet they had during that period watched over the families of the latter, and defended their possessions against the inroads of their surrounding enemies. This seems to have been constantly the custom among the Israelites: those who were detached upon any military expedition gave the rest of the army a share of the booty they had taken from the enemy: the pagans acted in like manner. God himself enjoined this practice after the war against the Midianites. Those who fought kept half the spoil of the enemy, and gave the other half to the rest of the people. Probably the same proportion was observed upon this occasion: I mean, that the 40,000 fighting men of the Israelites who came from beyond Jordan, retained a moiety of the booty they had taken, and remitted the other moiety to be divided among those other fighting men of the two tribes and a half, who remained behind to guard the country; and who were 70,000 in number. David, on his return from pursuing the Amalekites, changed this custom into a law. 1 Samuel 30:24.

REFLECTIONS.—The auxiliary forces, supplied by the tribe of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh, having fulfilled their engagement, are now dismissed by Joshua. And this,

1. With an honourable testimony to their obedience, patience, and piety. They had served him with as much fidelity as they obeyed Moses; they had waited, without offering or desiring to return, till the whole land was subdued, and the tribes divided to possess their inheritance; and they had kept the charge of the commandment of the Lord, not only in this instance of patient service, but also in their pious conduct in the camp. Note; (1.) The soldiers of Jesus Christ must object to no service that he enjoins them, but cheerfully and readily run at his bidding. (2.) Though our warfare be long, the faithful shall obtain an honourable dismission at death, to return to their eternal inheritance. (3.) Jesus, at the day of his appearing, will remember and own, to their eternal honour, the faithful services of his people.

2. He gives them a solemn charge (equally applicable to every spiritual Israelite) to keep up their religion at home, when they were separated by Jordan from the tabernacle in Shiloh. Take diligent heed (for our spiritual enemies are ever lying in wait to deceive) to do the commandment and the law of God; this is our constant rule of duty, and must be conscientiously obeyed; to love the Lord your God, without which no obedience can be acceptable, or indeed practicable; to walk in his ways, strait, holy, and self-denying as they are, and to cleave to him, amid all the temptations which surround us, and would turn us aside; and this with all your heart and soul. God's service requires a willing heart, and his work will never be done, unless it be our delight.

3. He adds his blessing to his advice; prays for their prosperity, and wishes them a safe and comfortable journey, and a happy meeting with their families. Where there is a good will, there will be a good wish; those whom we love, we shall pray for.
4. They return with all diligence; it was a long absence, and, no doubt, a happy meeting. Here below, business, war, voyages, separate the dearest relatives; but they are glad to get home in peace. How much hap-pier for the pilgrim soul, when his warfare of life is accomplished, to cross Jordan, and meet his brethren in glory, the family of God!

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