Ver. 18. And the Lord said unto Joshua, Stretch out the spear, &c.— The Hebrew word כידון kidon, signifies a shield; and so several interpreters, particularly the Vulgate, render it. Bochart, however, has shewn, that it also signifies a lance, or pike, at the top of which Joshua had fixed a streamer, to make it a standard, that the whole army might observe it, and that it was, in fact, so observed; that is, as a signal, to rally those who feigned flight; immediately determining the liers in ambush to rise, and march strait on to Ai. Probably, as this signal was beforehand agreed upon, and as God himself had given Joshua orders respecting it, the historian, who only mentions it in this place, speaks of it as if given by God at the very moment of execution. Accordingly, he stretched forth the spear, turning himself towards Ai. So formerly Moses, during the famous battle against Amalek, lifted up his rod in the sight of the Israelites, to assure them of victory.

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