Ver. 34, 35. And afterward he read all the words of the law, &c.— i.e. He caused to be read. Houbigant. We have only a word to add to the remarks already made, respecting all these ceremonies, in the notes on Deuteronomy; which is, that the manner in which the sacred historian expresses himself in these two verses, appears much to favour their opinion, who think that only the blessings and curses, which Moses had commanded to be pronounced, were written upon the monument on mount Ebal: Joshua read, or caused to be read, all that he had written; or, as the text has it, all the words of the law. Now it is very evident, that he read only the blessings and curses above-mentioned; and not all the book of Deuteronomy, or the whole law, as many critics would insinuate. Thus it is evident, that he had only to write a duplicate of these blessings and curses, as they were contained in the law of Moses.

Before all the congregation of Israel, with the women, &c.— That is, without excepting women, children, or proselytes; because they ought all to know the law which they were bound to obey.

REFLECTIONS.—The introduction of this solemn transaction in the midst of the wars, intimates the diligence and zeal of the people to observe the divine institutions. Note; When most surrounded with dangers, we have greatest cause to mind the one thing needful, the securing an interest in the favour of God.

1. They built an altar, and offered sacrifice thereon, on mount Ebal, where the curses were pronounced, intimating, (1.) Their dependance upon that atonement, without which the curses that were written in the law must quickly overtake them to their ruin. Note; Nothing but the blood of Jesus can save any soul from the curse of the law. (2.) Their gratitude for God's mercy to them. They got not the land by their own sword; and the beasts they offered were the spoil He had given them. Note; [1.] We can only render to God of his own: all we possess is his. [2.] Yet God accepts the grateful offering; and they who acknowledge him in prayer and praise, shall find him prospering their ways with increasing blessings.

2. A solemn rehearsal was made of the blessings and curses, in the presence of all the people, great and small, half on mount Ebal, half on mount Gerizzim, with the ark, the priests, the Levites, the judges, and officers in the midst. After each sentence, they expressed their assent aloud, and their readiness to embrace that covenant under which they held possession of the land. Note; (1.) The word of God is given, not to be locked up from the common people, but to be heard and read of all men. (2.) The highest and the lowest are alike interested to hear and obey the divine command. In God's sight, the prince and the beggar are on a level; the soul that sinneth, it shall die. (3.) All God's commands, from the least to the greatest, are enjoined by the same authority: no sin so little, as not to be guarded by the awful sanction of the curse and wrath of God. (4.) Masters of families must see that all under their roof, who are able to understand, seriously attend the house of God, and hear his word read and preached. (5.) It is thus that we may hope to receive the fulness of the promise in glory, when by grace, through faith, we are obedient to the divine commands on earth.

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