The garment also that the plague of leprosy is in— After having spoken of the leprosy in human creatures, the sacred writer proceeds to that very peculiar species of the disorder which affected garments, of whatever composition, and which, Calmet thinks, may well be accounted for upon that hypothesis which we mentioned before, observing, that as the Israelites in the wilderness were but ill provided in change of raiment, their linen, for want of being often changed and washed, would be more apt to breed those infectious worms which occasioned the distemper; and the rather, as the stuff whereof their garments were made was probably ill dressed, they not having then arrived at great perfection in the art of scouring cloth: and this, he thinks, may be one reason why Moses prohibits the use of linen and woollen interwoven, because such garments would be as subject to the infection as stuffs entirely of wool.

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