In an earthen vessel, over running water— Living water, in the original, i.e. fountain or river water, which was esteemed most pure; and it would be better so to translate it, because the bird was not to be killed over running water, properly speaking, but over the bason filled with this fountain or river water. This done, the ceremonies mentioned in the next verses were to be performed, and the living bird let loose; to shew, say some, that the leper was restored to a free conversation with his neighbours, as the bird was with the rest of its kind. The solemn rite or ceremony here prescribed, according to Spencer, was ordained to signify, that the leprous person owned the God of Israel to be the Lord both of heaven and earth, and that his help came from Jehovah who made both, Psalms 121:2 and this, as he apprehends, in opposition to the Gentile polytheism, particularly to their distinction of gods of the superior, and gods of the infernal regions, both of whom were worshipped by oblation of birds; the former by letting them fly up into the air, the latter by killing them. Parker, however, from the Fathers, remarks, that the interpretation, which refers all this to the Christian system, is not to be forgotten; as the bird killed very fitly typified the death of Christ, so did the living one, dismissed into the open air, his resurrection and ascension. Bochart, observing an analogy between this living bird and the scape-goat, makes both of them types of our Saviour's resurrection; and the bird slain, and the goat sacrificed, types of his death. See the last note on this chapter, and the reflections following.

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