And bathe himself in water— Compare with Leviticus 15:11; Leviticus 15:21; Leviticus 15:27.

REFLECTIONS.—The euphemism of the Scripture is beautiful, and to be imitated. Even when it speaks of evil things, it is in such a way as to avoid exciting evil ideas.

The loathsome disease here mentioned, is usually the consequence and punishment of impurity, leaving a rotten carcass and a guilty conscience. It rendered a man incapable of appearing at the sanctuary, it made him to be shunned by every body around him; and whatever he touched was unclean. When he was healed, he washed; and when after seven days waiting he gave full confirmation of his cure, he might bring his sacrifice. Note; 1. Though the servants of their lusts may count it a light affair to be cut off in this world from the congregation of the Lord, where they seldom care to appear, they will find it a terrible thing to be cut off from it in eternity. 2. Nothing wars more dangerously against the soul than evil concupiscence. 3. The company of such persons is more to be avoided, than of him who has the plague. 4. Yet the vilest need not despair: when he returns to the blood of Jesus, there is hope in his end.

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