He shall put the incense, &c.— The bullock being slain, the high-priest was to take some of the blood of it into the holy of holies, bearing in his hand a censer with incense burning upon it, to prevent him from seeing the mercy-seat, lest the Divine Presence should be too bright for him, and occasion his death: and, accordingly, the Jews tell us, that he entered side-ways, not daring to look directly upon the glory of the place; and that, having filled the sanctuary with a cloud of smoke, he went out backward, having his face directed to the mercy-seat: this done, he was to sprinkle the blood seven times upon the mercy-seat. Ainsworth well observes, that the burning of incense, preceding the sprinkling of the blood, served as a preparation to the high-priest's admission into the holy place by prayer; which, as we have before observed, was figured by incense, and with which it was accompanied, Revelation 8:3 and further, hereby the merits of Christ's intercession were signified, through which alone our prayers and our persons become acceptable, and we obtain an access to God, even the Father.

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