He shall put on the holy linen coat— This being a day of humiliation, Leviticus 16:29 the high-priest was not to be clothed, as usual, in his peculiar garments, but in those of the common priests: and, probably, these linen garments were designed to suggest not the humiliation only, but the purity which the present solemn occasion was intended to inculcate: to which every ceremony seems to lead; particularly the washing himself entirely with water.

REFLECTIONS.—Aaron had sustained a heavy loss in his two sons, and might well fear to minister before such a jealous God. He is therefore now to begin to make the annual atonement for himself and his house, as well as for the people. One day in a year must he come before the mercy-seat, where God appeared in the cloud; and then alone, with the blood of the sin-offering, in his ordinary garments of service, to denote that, as a sinner, he was on a footing with his brethren. Such was the bondage, darkness, and distance of that dispensation. But now, since Jesus is once for us entered, every believer has boldness and access to the mercy-seat continually; and, instead of fearing death from the presence of the Lord, finds his nearness the true and happy life of his soul.

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