For every one— Our old version here is, If there be any that curseth, &c. The particle כי ki, rendered for, is not always causal; but frequently signifies moreover, further, when, &c.; see Noldius, Leviticus 9:22 : &c.

REFLECTIONS.—The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The former laws are here armed with their sanction, and we need hear and fear before this holy Lord God.

1. In respect to the sacrificing of children. When we see the votaries of sin in general serving the devil with such loss and suffering, how ought we to value the perfect freedom of God's service. 2. In respect to the escape of the criminal from the hands of men, God would then take the matter into his own hand. Note; Sinners may escape the hand of justice here; but at God's tribunal they must stand, and none can deliver them out of his hand. 3. Nor shall the abettors of the idolaters share a milder judgment. Note; (1.) The character of an informer is often, and justly perhaps in general, stamped with infamy: but there are offences where silence involves us in the guilt of the crime we conceal; and it is at our peril if we hold our tongue. (2.) A negligent magistrate is a most criminal character; and they who will not judge for God, shall be judged by him. 4. A general charge is given to sanctify themselves for God, and, consequently, to separate themselves from the ways and company of sinners: and the reasons are given: (1.) Because God is their Lord and Master, and they must serve him only. (2.) Because they thus answer his designs of grace upon them: I am he that sanctifieth you. Note; [1.] Sanctification is the work of God: his power must be obtained, or else impotent would be the command. [2.] All God's people are a holy people: though the measure of their attainments differ, yet universal sanctification of heart and life is the prayer, the purpose, and sincere endeavour of every gracious soul.

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