Aaron lifted up his hand toward the people, and blessed them— Laying on of hands was the usual sign of blessing; but this being impossible where there was so great a multitude, the elevation of hands was used as a sign of imploring the Divine blessing. See Psalms 28:2 and Luke 24:50 where we read, that our great High-Priest lifted up his hands, and blessed his disciples. Blessing has always been a part of the sacerdotal office from the beginning. See Genesis 14:19. Deuteronomy 10:8. In Numbers 6:24 the reader will find a form of benediction which the Lord, by Moses, gave to Aaron, and which, many think, was used upon the present solemn occasion: and it is not improbable, that immediately after Mores and Aaron coming out of the tabernacle (Leviticus 9:23.) had pronounced the words, The Lord make his face shine upon thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee; that the glory of the Lord which filled the tabernacle, Exodus 40:34 appeared without, and shone upon the people with a peculiar brightness. It is imagined that Moses went into the tabernacle with Aaron to instruct him in the duty to be discharged there, respecting the sprinkling of the blood, burning the incense, setting the shew-bread in order, &c. &c.

REFLECTIONS.—Aaron here begins his ministrations, and offers the several different kinds of sacrifice according to the commandment of the Lord. Note; In all our ministrations we must make God's word our rule.—The daily burnt-sacrifice was offered, besides these extraordinary ones. Our stated seasons of worship must never be neglected because of any extraordinary services or business. When the whole was finished, he, as high-priest on God's behalf, gave his benediction to the people. Where God accepts our offerings he will leave a blessing behind him.

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