But his citizens hated him,— His natural subjects hated him without a cause, as appears from the message or embassy which they sent after him to the potentate, from whom he sought, what in the latter times has been called investiture. For, in that message they alleged no crime against him, but only expressed their ill-will towards him, by declaring that they would not have him to reign over them. This is a fit representation of the causeless opposition which the Jewish great men made to Jesus. But the embassyhad no effect; the prince received the kingdom, and returned with full authority, which he exercised in calling his servants to account, and in punishing his rebellious subjects. So the opposition which the Jews made to our Lord's spiritual kingdom proved ineffectual: having all power in heaven and earth given unto him after his death, as mediator, he will return to reckon with his apostles, and ministers, and rebellious subjects; nay, he has returned already, and punished the Jews with a most exemplary punishment, for resisting his government. See ve

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