Thy pound* hath gained ten pounds.— The modesty of these servants is remarkable: they do not say, that, they themselves have gained the ten or five pounds, but Thy pound hath gained, &c. attributing their success, not to themselves, but to the gifts of his grace. It is observable, that in Matthew 25:20; Matthew 25:46 where the servants are represented as doubling the different sums intrusted to each, the reward is spoken of as the same: but here the sum intrusted being the same, and the improvement described as different, there is a proportionate difference in the reward; which as it is a beautiful circumstance, was, no doubt, intended for our instruction. See Luke 19:20.

* The original word μνα, here translated a pound, signifies a quantity of silver weighing twelve ounces and a half, which, according to five shillings the ounce, is three pounds, two shillings, and sixpence.

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