I commend my spirit:— Παραθησομαι,— I place, as a precious deposit. See on Psalms 31:5 and for the next clause, the note on Matthew 27:50. Dr. Heylin has well and nervously described our Lord's passion in the following manner: "The appointed soldiers dig the hole in which the cross is to be erected,—the nails and the hammer are ready,—the cross is placed on the ground, and Jesus laid down upon that bed of sorrows,—they nail him to it,—they erect it,—his nerves crack,—his blood distils,—he hangs upon his wounds, a spectacle to heaven and earth!" It is not unusual for those who speak in public, to profess that their subject surpasses their utmost efforts; and when they have exhausted their abilities in saying all that they possibly can, to break off in interjections, and abrupt exclamations of wonder and astonishment. Whatever may have given occasion to these passionate figures of speech, it is sure that they can never find their place so properly as here. For what tongue of man or angel can suffice to tell the depth and the height,—the profundity of his sufferings, and the sublimity of perfection to which they raised him?—We must here adore in silence what we cannot comprehend. See his Lectures, vol. 1: p. 103 and Sir Richard Steele's Christian Hero.

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