They constrained him,— They pressed him. Heylin, &c. See ch. Luke 14:23. We are told in the subsequent verses, that the disciples, having returned from Emmaus, were telling their brethren what had happened to them, when Jesus stood in the midst, and saluted them, Luke 24:35. Moreover, it is taken notice of, that this appearance happened on the first day of the week at even; John 20:19. These circumstances, together with the departure of the disciples, who went to Emmaus before the news of Christ's resurrection had reached the city, shew plainly that by the evening in this verse, we are to understand the first evening of the Jewish day, which began at three o'clock. See Matthew 14:15. It is toward evening, means, "It is toward three o'clock;" and the day is far spent, κεκλικεν η ημερα, means, The day has declined: for, on any other supposition, the two could not have returned to Jerusalem, after dining at Emmaus, so as to have been present when Jesus shewed himself to his disciples the first day of the week, which ended at sun-setting.

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