And certain women, &c.— Our Lord was accompanied in his journey by certain pious women, who in all probability were going likewise to the passover, and who supplied him with money, not on the present occasion only, but as often as he stood in need of it. St. Mark, as well as St. Luke, relates the circumstance of our Lord's being supported by the charity of his friends; for, speaking of the women who were present at our Lord's crucifixion, he says, ch. Mark 15:41 that when Jesus "was in Galilee, they followed him, and ministered unto him of their substance." The evangelists no where else tell us in what way our Lord and his apostles were supported. Of the number of those pious women was Mary, called Magdalene, from Magdala, the place of her residence, as we have observed on ch. Luke 7:37 a woman of the first rank in Judea, out of whom our Lord had cast seven devils. But it will not seem strange that she is represented as having been possessed by seven devils, when we recollect that we have in this very chapter the account of a man who was possessed by a whole legion. The reason why a woman of Joanna's quality had become an attendant upon Christ, is assigned by St. Luke. She was one of those who had been healedby him of evil spirits and infirmities, it is most probable that this wife of Chuza was now a widow.

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