Go ye into all the world, &c.— "And having, after this, during his abode on earth, frequently shewn himself to his apostles, for the greater confirmation of their faith, and further instruction about the glorious things of his kingdom, (see Acts 1:3.) he, a little before his ascension, gave them their final and standing commission, saying, Go ye forth in my name unto all the nations of the earth, and preach my gospel, as ye have opportunity, to all mankind, whether Jew or Gentile, without exception." This was the plain import of Christ's commission; though the apostles themselves were so dull of apprehension, through their prejudices against the Gentiles, that they did not understand it in that sense for some years afterwards; and so confined their ministrations to the Jews, till St. Peter was more fully instructed by a vision, and sent to preach the gospel to Cornelius and his family, Acts 10.

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