So is the kingdom of God,— In this parable we are informed, that as the husbandman does not, by any efficacy of his own, cause the seed to grow, but leaves it to be nourished by the soil and sun; so Jesus and his apostles, having taught men the doctrines of true religion, were not by any miraculous force to constrain their wills; far less were they by the terrors of fire and sword to interpose visibly for the furthering thereof; but would suffer it to spread by the secret influences of the Spirit, till at length it should obtain its full effect in faithful souls. Moreover, as the husbandman cannot, by the most diligent observation, perceive the corn in his field extending its dimensions as it grows, so the ministers of Christ cannot see the operations of the Gospel upon the minds of men. The effects, however, of its operation, when these are produced, they can discern just as the husbandman can discern when the corn is fully grown, and fit for reaping. In the mean time, the design of the parable, is not tolead the ministers of Christ, to imagine that religion will flourish without due pains taken about it. It was formed to teach the Jews in particular, that neither the Messiah nor his servants would subdue men by the force of arms, as they supposed he would have done; and also to prevent the apostles from being dispirited, when they did not see immediate success following their labours. See Dr. Watts's Philosophical Essays, Numbers 9 sect. 2. Instead of when the fruit is brought forth, Mark 4:29 we may read, as soon as the grain is ripe. See Campbell.

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