The press—and touched his garment— The throng, &c. and so Mark 5:30. Her disease being reckoned unclean, she was ashamed to mention it before the multitude; and having formed the highest idea of Christ's power, she resolved to try this method of cure, believing that no more was necessary to effect it: however, because her distemper was of such a nature as to render them whom she touched unclean, she durst not handle the person of so great a prophet, nor any part of his garment, but its border or hem (see Matthew 23:5.), shewing at the same time both the strength of her faith, and the greatness of her humility. I shall be whole, is in the original σωθησομαι, I shall be saved; and there are many other places in which the word is used in the same sense; as certainly it may also with great propriety be applied to a rescue from any imminent danger, or pressing calamity, especially in an extraordinary way. Compare Mark 5:23. Ch. Mark 6:56. Luke 8:36; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42. John 11:12 and Acts 4:9.

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