But beware of men— "Though I order you to be meek and patient under injuries, I do not mean that you should not be on your guard, and, as far as is consistent with conscience and duty, avoid them: no, the more circumspect you are, the better; for, after all,you will meet with many indignities, and often be in danger of death, even from the hand of public justice." They will deliver you up to the Sanhedrim, or consistories, and scourge you in their synagogues. Scourging is a sort of discipline which has long since been used in the synagogues, where they keep their courts. See Beausobre and Lenfant's introduction. And ye shall be brought before governors, &c. These things did not happen while the apostles were on their first mission, but after Christ's ascension. See Acts 4:6, &c. Acts 5:40; Acts 12:2, &c. &c.—For a testimony against them and the Gentiles, "All these things are ordered to befal you, that your integrity may appear, and that the truth of the Gospel may be demonstrated." Had the apostles never come before the supreme powers, nor defended their cause in the presence of kings and governors, it might have been said, that because Christianity could not bear a strict examination from able judges, it was preached to none but men of vulgar understandings, who were not capable of detecting it: but when persons of the highest distinction for birth, fortune, capacity, and learning, had the Gospel laid before them, in the defences which the apostles and first preachers of it were obliged to make at the public tribunals of every country, its standing such a tribunal was certainly a great confirmation of its truth. Wherefore, as Jesus here foretold, the bringing of his apostles before kings became a testimony of their integrity, and of the truth of the Gospel, and consequently an undeniable proof of the guilt of both Jews and Gentiles who neglected it. See Macknight, Clarke, and the histories of the first ages of the church.

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