But when they persecute you, &c.— "Let not the persecutions that you are to meet with, in any period of your ministry, discourage you: but when you are sore pressed in any one city, flee to another, where you will meet with an asylum: for I assure you, in spite of all opposition, your labours shall be attended with such success, that you shall not have gone over the cities of Israel till the Son of Man be come;" that is to say, according to the general interpretation, "before he comes to execute vengeance upon the Jews, by the destruction of their devoted city." The destruction of Jerusalem by Titus is often called the coming of the son of man. See ch. Matthew 24:27; Matthew 24:37; Matthew 24:39; Matthew 24:44.Luke 18:8. Macknight differs from this interpretation, and gives the following: "Before ye have carried the glad tidings of the Gospel to the several cities of Israel, my kingdom shall be established in many places; so that in the midst of the hottest persecution, you may always expect to find some who will befriend you." See Olearius, and Whitby.

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