Fear them not therefore, &c.— The meaning of this verse is, that the disciples ought not to conceal the truth which had been committed to them, notwithstanding all the contradictions that they might meet with in the course of their ministry; because the design of the Lord Jesus Christ was, that the gospel which he revealed to them in private, and which was a mystery to all the rest of mankind, should by them be published all over the world. Our blessed Saviour applies here a proverbial saying to the Gospel; see Mark 4:22.Luke 8:17; Luke 12:2. There is nothing covered, &c. This is a general rule, which may admit of several exceptions. Our Lord applies it to different subjects. Here he gives his disciples to understand, that it was his design that they should openly and courageously reveal to the world those truths, which the time and circumstances did not then permit him to disclose everywhere.

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