Raise the dead— In several copies this clause is wanting; for which reason, and because the disciples did not raise any person from the dead whom we read of, till after Christ's ascension, Dr. Mill takes it for an interpolation. But his opinion is ill-founded; as it is certain that this, with several other articles in the apostles' first commission, have a direct relation to the period comprehended under that more extensive commission which they received after their Master's resurrection. See Matthew 10:18; Matthew 10:21; Matthew 10:23. Whitby and Wetstein. That the direction at the end of this verse, Freely, or gratis ye have received, freely give, relates to the miraculous cures which the apostles were empowered to perform, and not to the stated offices of the apostolical function, is evident from Luke 10:7 where our Lord, in giving a like commission to the Seventy, bids them eat and drink what was set before them, because the labourer was worthy of his hire; nay, in this very charge, no sooner did he order the apostles to give freely, than he forbade them to provide gold, &c. because the workman is worthy of his meat; [deserves his maintenance; Heylin;] plainly intimating, that while they were preaching, they had a right to maintenance from those who enjoyed the benefit of their labours, and should, in the course of divine providence, be supplied with all things necessary. Accordingly, we find the apostles receiving such maintenance, and insisting upon it as their due, 1 Corinthians 9:4; 1 Corinthians 9:14.Galatians 6:6. See Macknight.

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