For the Son of man shall come, &c.— That the argument in the preceding verse, by which the necessity of self-denial is so clearly established, might have the greater weight, our Lord spake more particularly concerning the rewards and punishments of a future state; assuring his disciples, that they are all to be distributed by himself, the Father having appointed him universal Judge; so that his enemies cannot flatter themselves with the hope of escaping condign punishment, nor his faithful friends be in the least afraid of losing their reward: and to encourage them the more, he told them, that he would come to judge the world, not in his present low and contemned state, but most magnificently arrayed, both in his own glory, and in his Father's. See Luke 9:26. He would come, not attended by twelve weak disciples, but surrounded with numberless hosts of mighty angels, to reward every man, not with the honours of a temporal kingdom, great offices and large possessions, but with the joys of immortality. See the Inferences and Reflections at the end of this chapt

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