And every one that hath forsaken, &c.— Our Saviour speaks next of the rewards which his other disciples should receive, both in this life, and that which is to come. See Mark 10:30 where the promise is more fully expressed. Wetstein observes, that the event confirmed the prediction. For one house, the first preachers of the Gospel found a hospitable reception in almost every part of the earth;—for a few brethren and sisters, an innumerable multitude of true believers; for children, all those whom they had truly converted to the Christian faith; for lands, all the goods of the Christians, which were in common; and in fine, for this life, life eternal. They shall receive an hundredfold, εκατονταπλασιονα. That is, says one, "They shall have abundantly more and greater blessings than they part with;—a full content of mind, and the comforts of an upright conscience, the joys of the Holy Ghost, increase of grace, hopes of glory; they shall have God for their father, Christ for their spouse, and all good Christians for their brethren."

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