But of that day and hour knoweth no man— The word Ωρα, is of a larger signification than hour; and besides, it seems somewhat improper to say, of that day and hour knoweth no man; for if the day was not known, certainly the hour was not; and it was superfluousto make such an addition. The passage therefore might be rendered, "of the day and season," &c. as the word is frequently used in the best authors, both sacred and prophane. It is true our Saviour declares, all these things shall be fulfilled in this generation; it is true, the prophet Daniel has given some intimation of the time in his famous prophesy of the seventy weeks: but though this great revolution was to happen in that generation; though it was to happen at the conclusion of seventy weeks, or four hundred and ninety years, to be computed from a certain date that is not easy to be fixed; yet the particular day, the particular season in which it was to happen, might still remain a secret to men and angels: and our Saviour had before (Matthew 24:20.) advised his disciples to pray, that their flight might not be in the winter, neither on the Sabbath-day. The DAY not being known, they might pray that their flight might not be on the Sabbath day: the season not being known, they might pray that their flight might not be in the winter. We shall enlarge on this subject, when we come to Mark 13:32. See Bishop Newton.

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