But, &c.— But if that servant, being evil, shall say, &c. Heylin. "If on the other hand you behave like wicked stewards, who, because their Lord delays his coming, beat their fellow-servants, and get drunk with sots and epicures: if you tyrannize over the consciences of your brethren, neglect the duties of your function, and give yourselves up to sensual pleasures; I will come when you little think of it, and make you dreadful examples ofmy indignation, by the severe punishments which I will inflict upon you." It is remarkable, that in this parable the crime of the unfaithful stewards is said to have been sensuality; particularly drunkenness, than which a more abominable vice can hardly be named. A drunkard,—one who employs himself in erasing the illustrious signature of reason, which God stamped upon him in creation, as the prerogative of his nature; and who makes himself incapable of his duty, while he is ready to commit every sin to which a temptation offers; what a monster is this, and how unlikely to lead others in the way of eternal life! See Macknight.

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