Make thee two trumpets of silver— Two trumpets only are ordered; for the priests, the sons of Aaron, who alone were to blow them, (Numbers 10:8.) were then but two. When the priests were more numerous, the trumpets were increased in proportion: so, in Solomon's time, we read of an hundred and twenty priests sounding with trumpets, 2 Chronicles 5:12. They were to be of silver, which gave them a shriller sound; and each made of one piece, to render the sound more distinct and loud, according to Josephus's description of them, Antiq. lib. 3: cap. 12. They were much after the same form as ours; being a cubit long, and narrow like a pipe, but wider at the bottom. It is observed by antiquaries, that trumpets were anciently used instead of bells; and Eustathius upon Homer says, the Egyptians used a trumpet of ram's horn, (whereof Osiris was the inventor) when they called the people to their sacrifices. The use of these silver trumpets is described with sufficient clearness in the following verses; see Leviticus 23:24. The blowing of the trumpets is generally supposed to have been emblematical of the joyful and blessed sound of the gospel; see Isaiah 27:13; Isaiah 58:1.Psalms 89:15.

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