It shall be, if thou go with us, &c.— It seems most probable, from Judges 1:16; Joshua 4:11 that Moses prevailed with Hobab, and that he settled with the Israelites in the land of Canaan.

REFLECTIONS.—Hobab, when Israel was now commanded to advance, is for returning home. Hereupon Moses, his brother-in-law, invites him to go with them. They were going under a gracious promise, and with the protection of a great God, and therefore were sure of success. When we are going to heaven ourselves, it cannot but be a grief to see our friends and relations disposed to go another way; and we shall make it our business and labour to persuade them to cast in their lot with us. Hobab resolves at first not to go; his land and kindred were dear attractives to keep him from the journey. How often have lands, and friends, and relations, prevailed upon the heart to renounce the ways of God and glory, for the momentary enjoyments of a perishing world? Let it not be our case. Moses will not be easily put off. Real love to a man's soul will make us importunate to gain him. He urges two reasons, both suited to engage him: 1. The use he might be of to them in their encampments, and with his advice. Note; (1.) That we have it in our power to serve our neighbour, is a strong argument for doing it. (2.) Though we are under the sure guidance of an all-wise God, it becomes us to use all the means which human prudence suggests. 2. The advantages he might hope for himself. They who join God's people will share in their inheritance; and though friends or lands are left behind, they will be amply recompensed.

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