The manna was as coriander-seed, &c.— This description of the manna, its excellence as a food, its immediate descent from God, and the easiness of its procural, appear to be subjoined by the sacred writer, to shew the ingratitude and luxury of the people in despising so agreeable a food.

REFLECTIONS.—One sin severely visited prevents not new provocations. 1. The mixed multitude, a mongrel breed, such as followed in hopes of sharing Israel's good, not to serve Israel's God, began the mutiny, and communicated the spirit of infection to the camp. A bad neighbourhood is dangerous, and sin contagious; nor are any so high in grace or attainments, but they need to watch and pray lest they enter into temptation. 2. They lusted for flesh to eat, dissatisfied with God's provision, and wanting to be their own caterers. Indulging our appetites, is usually our ruin: to gratify the body, men destroy the soul. 3. They distrusted God's power to supply their wants, though every day living by a miracle. Unbelief is a sin which miracles cannot cure. 4. They compare their present with their past estate, and draw the most ungrateful conclusions. They remember the leeks and onions, but not the task-masters of Egypt, and speak of that manna, the bread of heaven, as if it famished instead of fed them. Note; (1.) Ingratitude is among the greater sins. (2.) The discontented loath their very blessings, and seem solicitous to make themselves miserable. (3.) It is a strong mark of the curse of God upon the heart, to see repining in the midst of plenty.

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