From the Wilderness of Zin, &c.— Not that which is called the Wilderness of Sin, Exodus 16:1 for that lay near to Egypt, south-west of Canaan; but this was a wilderness on the south-east of Canaan, not far from Kadesh Barnea, chap. Numbers 34:3.Joshua 1:3. Rehob was a city in the north of Canaan near the sea coast, not far from Zidon, which fell to the lot of the tribe of Asher, Joshua 19:28. Hamath, afterwards called Epiphania, was not far from Rehob, and bounded Judea on the north; (see chap. Numbers 34:8.) so that the spies took a survey of the whole land, from one end of it to the other, south and north; observing, as they passed along, those parts which lay east and west; see Numbers 13:29 and the note on Numbers 13:26.

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