I am thy part and thine inheritance— They lived by the altar, which was God's table, as it is explained, Joshua 13:14. This provision for the priest was so ample, that if any part of the land of Canaan had been given them together with it, there had been too great an inequality between them and the rest of the people: for, without any share in the land, their portion, upon computation, will be found to be far richer than that of any other person's whatsoever. Bishop Kidder has thus thrown together, in one view, all the parts of their emoluments; 1st, They had the tithes of the Levites, Numbers 18:26. This was very considerable; there being but one family of the tribe of Levi, and that tribe but small in comparison of the other twelve tribes. 2nd, They had the skins of the burnt-offerings, Leviticus 7:8 with some inconsiderable exception. 3rdly, The sin and trespass-offering was their's; and so was the meat-offering, Numbers 18:9. 4thly, The breast and shoulder of the peace-offerings, Leviticus 7:31 to which were afterwards added the cheeks, and maw, 5thly, They had the shew-bread, 6thly, Things or persons devoted or separated by a vow, Leviticus 27:21 and Numbers 18:14 of this chapter. 7thly, The restitution-money, 8thly, All the heave and wave-offerings, Numbers 18:8; Numbers 18:11. 9thly, The first-fruits, Numbers 18:12. Numbers 18:10thly, The first-born, Numbers 18:15. Numbers 18:11thly, The tribute mentioned, Numbers 31:29 with several other particulars.

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