I have given your priest's office—as a service of gift— Houbigant renders this, For I have given you the priesthood for a gift: I have absolutely appropriated unto you, and given to you and your posterity, a grant of the priest's office. The priest's office might well be called a gift, and was a great privilege. The employment itself was an honour; and such a provision was made, that the priests might attend upon the duties of their holy function without distraction, as is mentioned in a subsequent part of this chapter.

REFLECTIONS.—Aaron is now confirmed in his ministry; a distinguished honour is put upon him; but he is reminded of the danger and difficulty of his arduous employment, that proportionable watchfulness, diligence, and zeal, may appear. 1. The charge of the sanctuary is entrusted to him, with the priests and Levites; and they are to be answerable to God for every neglect, or transgression, or mistake, in their ministrations. Note; The ministry is an awful charge, if one immortal soul perish through our ignorance or carelessness, his blood will God require at our hands. How many undertake the care of souls, who, have never weighed the solemn account they must one day make to God? 2. Their several employments are appointed. Aaron alone within the vail; his sons within the tabernacle; the Levites without, as their assistants in the service of the court and altar; each has his province, and all their work. God's house admits no idlers. An indolent priest is like Satan appearing among the sons of God. 3. Peculiar care must be taken, that no stranger enter there. The people were trembling at the thoughts of their danger in approaching the tabernacle, and the priests and Levites are charged to keep them at a distance from sin, that there may be no more wrath against them. Note; (1.) It is good to have the watchfulness of others to restrain us from evil, as men as our own precautions against it. (2.) The way to escape wrath, is to avoid sin. (3.) Ministers must not only put away iniquity from themselves, but be watchful and zealous to keep others from offending.

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