So they pitched— The order here enjoined was so regular, that the camp of Israel, seen at a distance, must necessarily have appeared very beautiful; and accordingly we find Balaam speaking of it as such. How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob! and thy tabernacles, O Israel! &c. Numbers 24:5; Numbers 24:25.

REFLECTIONS.—When God himself settles the precedence; there is no room left for dispute among themselves. Those whom God honours, we may not envy. Judah leads the van, with Issachar and Zebulun, each under captains of their own tribes. Subordination in rank and station is God's appointment, and must be observed. Judah was the tribe whence Shiloh was expected, and therefore justly preferred to lead the way to Canaan; as Christ his offspring was to be the captain of eternal salvation to his people. Reuben, who encamped on the south, followed next with Simeon and Gad. Levi encamped within, between the rest of the tribes and the tabernacle, and marched in the midst of them, defended before and behind. Of all things dear to us, the church of God should be the first, and best guarded; and her ministers especially respected. Ephraim, with Manasseh and Benjamin, encamped westward, and followed the tabernacle; whilst Dan, with Asher and Naphtali, encamped on the north, and in the march closed the rear; he, next to Judah, was most numerous, and therefore fittest for the post assigned. God's dispositions are always wise, and just, and good. Obedience really and cheerful was paid to all these orders. God's word must thus regulate our march, as God's providence does our station; and when the one is cheerfully submitted to, and the other carefully followed, then we are sure of the divine blessing, and may go forth boldly, conquering and to conquer all our spiritual enemies.

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